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Are you interested in whitening your teeth and improving your smile at a reasonable cost?

The Mount Prospect Cosmetic Dentist understands how valuable your smile is, and our teeth whitening solutions will ensure you have a dazzling smile all year round. Our teeth whitening treatments are easy, affordable, and improves your smile, enhancing your appearance and self-confidence.

Professional Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening can brighten your teeth by several shades in an hour or less and is an excellent way to look your very best in time for that important occasion. If you choose an in-office whitening treatment, we’ll provide you with bleaching trays and a take-home kit so, you can stay one step ahead of staining you eat.

A brighter smile immediately helps our patients look more youthful and feel more confident. Professional teeth whitening at our cosmetic dentist office is the most requested cosmetic dental treatment. The procedure’s simple and harmless, and a terrific way to reduce or eliminate unsightly stains brought on by age, chemical damage, and certain foods or beverages.

Benefits of Professional Whitening

Professional teeth whitening has several benefits over the alternatives:

  • Easy – you’ll see beautiful results in just one visit.
  • No downtime – get your teeth whitened at lunch and go back to work with a dazzling smile.
  • Customized treatment – we’ll adjust your whitening depending on your level of sensitivity and aesthetic goals.
  • Professional products provide quick, long-lasting results.
Please Call to Arrange an Appointment

Teeth whitening is fast, safe, and effective for just about anyone who has undesired tooth discoloration. To keep your teeth bright and healthy, we recommend that you limit your intake of acidic vegetables, coffee, wine, acidic fruits, and other staining foods and beverages so that your smile will be bright for years to come.

Please call the Mount Prospect Cosmetic Dentist if you’d like to learn more about professional teeth whitening.